- Die Story im Ersten: Tödliches Erbe by Frido Essen - ARD1, 17.08.2020
- Guerres mondiales: ces bombes toxiques immergées au large des côtes d'Europe du Nord 09.05.2019 (French)
- Bomben in Meer by Frido Essen - ARD1, 03.06.2019
- Tykająca bomba na dnie Bałtyku. DAIMON rozwiąże problem tysięcy ton zatopionej broni chemicznej? - TVP.Info (Polish)
- Badali broń chemiczną na dnie Bałtyku. Znaleźli torpedę - TVN24, 18.03.2016 (Polish)
- Niebezpieczny Bałtyk - TVP Panorama, 30.04.2016 (Polish)
- Gefahr durch Munition in Nord- und Ostsee - NDR Panorama, 18.09.2016 (German)
- Effects of wartime chemical warfare agents on the Baltic See - Paula Vaninnen, Ylen Aamu TV, 15.12.2016 (English)
- Sea-dumped chemical weapons in environment and their metabolism in fish and mussels - Science & Ethics seminar at the Department of Chemistry, Ylen Aamu TV, 15.12.2016
- Threats in the North Sea - a French/Belgium documentary by Jacques Lœuille
- Paula Vanninen and Hanna Niemikoski (VERIFIN), radio interview on sea-dumped chemicals munitions, YLE Radio Ykkönen 3.1.2020 (Finish)
- Interview with prof. Jacek Bełdowski about DAIMON2 - TOK FM, 05.12.2019 (Polish)
- „Ekologiczne bomby na dnie Bałtyku. Naukowcy mówią o ogromnym zagrożeniu.” – TVN24, 28.02.2019 (Polish)
- „Broń chemiczna na dnie Bałtyku” – „Dzień dobry tu Gdańsk” TVP3 Gdańsk, 26.02.2019 (Polish)
- Minen und Munitionsschrott in der Ostsee – RBB radioeins 07.02.2019 (German)
- Buten & Binnen: Munitionsreste in Meeren bleiben gefährlich - Radio Bremen 07.02.2019 (German)
- DAIMON project at NDR Nachrichten 07.02.2019 (German)
- W poszukiwaniu niemieckiej broni zatopionej w Bałtyku - Radio24 “Czas na naukę” 01.12.2016 11:45 (Polish)
- Oväntat stor spridning av senapsgas i havet utanför Måseskär - sverigesradio - 05.12.2018 (Swedish)
- Munitionsbergung in Nord- und Ostsee kann starten, Thuenen newsroom 11.11.2022
- Bundesregierung: „Beseitigung aller Munitionsaltlasten in Nord- und Ostsee nicht umsetzbar", 30.08.2022
- Zeitbomben im Meer: Weltkriegsmunition bedroht Nord- und Ostsee, National Geographic, 05.11.2021
- Sachverständige fordern Munitionsbergung in Nord- und Ostsee Dokumente der Anhörung in Deutschem Bundestag, am 17.05.2021
- Påvirkes fisk og skalldyr av dumpet ammunisjon? Arnt Johnsen, FFI-RAPPORT 21/01396
- Nauwelijks een spoor van leven De Groene Amsterdammer, 05.05.2021
- Späte Suche nach den Giftwaffen der Nazis, Der Standard, 18.02.2021
- The ocean is a giant dump for chemical weapons. Can we clean it up before it’s too late? Popular Science, 12.04.2021
- Problem Zatopionej Amunicji w Bałtyku, National Geographic, 10.12.2020
- Bałtykowi grozi „katastrofa ekologiczna na niespotykaną skalę” – alarmuje NIK National Geographic, 15.08.2020
- Chemical weapons dumped after World War II are polluting the Baltic Sea. Warfare agents contaminate sediments and fish near disposal sites - by Joshua Rapp Learn, special to C&EN, vol. 98, issue 3724.09.2020
- Horizon 2020 Future Emerging Technologies grant awarded to University of Helsinki for the first time - VERIFIN, 01.06.2020
- Versenkte Munition in Nord- und Ostsee, Die mühsame Suche nach Hitlers Chemiewaffen - Spiegel, 29.05.2020
- Czy Bałtykowi grozi katastrofa ekologiczna? Gospodarka Morska 16.03.2020
- Interview with prof. Jacek Bełdowski about DAIMON 2 - Polish artificial intelligence portal 27.11.2019
- Kemiska stridsmedel sipprar ut i skärgården - Expressen - 10.07.2019
- Ny studie för att undersöka spridning av dumpat krigsmateriel utanför Måseskär och Gotland - Havs och Vatten - 09.07.2019
- Neue Waffen gegen alte Bomben - 10.04.2019 (German)
- Weltkriegs-Munition vor deutschen Küsten kann Krebs bei Fischen verursachen - 06.03.2019 (German)
- Setki tysięcy ton amunicji na dnie Bałtyku. Zagrożenie dla ludzi i środowiska - 09.02.2019 (Polish)
- W Bałtyku zalegają setki tys. ton broni konwencjonalnej i chemicznej - 21.02.2019 (Polish)
- Setki tysięcy ton amunicji na dnie Bałtyku. Zagrożenie dla ludzi i środowiska - 09.02.2019 (Polish)
- Bomby na dnie Bałtyku wciąż zagrażają ludziom - 09.02.2019 (Polish)
- Scientists say bacteria could eat Nazi bombs under Baltic - The Times 26.02.2019
- GEFAHR AUF DEM GRUND. Munition in der Ostsee - Kieler Nachrichten Online 04.02.2019 (German)
- Pulverfass Meer: Weltkriegsmunition soll raus aus dem Wasser - Peiner Allgemeine Zeitung 05.02.2019 (German)
- Tickende und leckende Zeitbomben im Meer - Der Tagesspiegel 06.02.2019 (German)
- Roboter gegen die verborgene Gefahr - Spiegel Online 06.02.2019 (German)
- Zeitbomben im Meer - Gefahr durch verrostete Munition steigt (dpa) - Süddeutsche Zeitung, Berliner Zeitung, Magdeburger Volksstimme, Rheinische Post Online, Kieler Nachrichten Online, Die Welt and Saarbrücker Zeitung 07.02.2019 (German)
- Versenkte Munition in Ostsee: Welche Gefahr geht davon aus? - Schweriner Volkszeitung 07.02.2019 (German)
- Weltkriegsmunition: Chemische Substanzen in Muscheln nachgewiesen - SHZ online 07.02.2019 (German)
- Giftige Munition in der Ostsee - Scienexx 08.02.2019 (German)
- Zeitbomben im Meer - Täglicher Hafenbericht 08.02.2019 (German)
- Deutsche Marine sucht Munitionsreste im Ärmelkanal - Hansa Online 08.02.2019 (German)
- Munition wird Ökoproblem - Badische Zeitung online 08.02.2019 (German)
- Marine munitions: Time bombs at the bottom of the Baltic Sea - 08.02.2019
- Munition vergiftet die Ostsee - TAZ Online 09.02.2019 (German)
- Munitions at the bottom of the Baltic Sea - Science Daily 08.02.2019, Phys Org 11.02.2019
- Wie das Weltkriegs-Erbe unsere Tierwelt vergiftet - GEO online 13.02.2019 (German)
- Trålare sprider kemvapen i svenska vatten - eAftonbladet 03.04.2018 (Swedish)
- Trålare riskerar sprida kemvapen i svenska vatten - eSvenska Dagbladet 13.04.2018 (Swedish)
- Vrak sprider stridsmedel till fisken - Göteborgs Posten 16.04.2018 (Swedish)
- Bomben am Meeresgrund - Süddeutsche Zeitung 27.05.2018 (German)
- Stille Wasser - public report (2/2018) on sea-dumped munitions published by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
- Suomalaistutkija löysi Itämeren kaloista natsien käyttämää hermokaasua: "Kemiallinen yhdiste siirtyy myös kalasta ihmiseen" - Lannen Media 26.06.17 (Finnish)
- Tysiące ton broni chemicznej zatopionej w Bałtyku - Gazeta Wyborcza Trójmiasto, 08.07.17 (Polish)
- Is there chemical munitions in our fish? - Interview with Frederik Lindgren and Ingela Dahllöf for, 16.08.17
- Bomber och granater - livsfarlig last på havets botten - Havstutsikt, popular science journal 2/2016 (Swedish)
- Gdańscy naukowcy szukali broni chemicznej na Bałtyku - Gazeta Wyborcza Trójmiasto, 24.03.16 (Polish)
- Monitoring dumped munitions in the Baltic Sea - NATO News 21.10.16 (English, French, Russian, Ukrainian)
- Toxic risk from sunken ships off the Swedish coast - Ships at Risk blog 29.10.16
- DAIMON - Wie gehen wir mit versenkter Munition in der Ostsee um? - (German)
- Na Bałtyku poszukują broni chemicznej, Głosy płytkiego morza - Polityka, 01.11.16 (Polish)
- Spotkanie otwierające Projekt DAIMON - EWT Pomorskie, 09.02.2016 (Polish)
Scientific publications & presentations & others
- Czub, M., Nawała, J., Popiel, S., Dziedzic, D., Brzeziński, T., Maszczyk, P., Sanderson, H., Fabisiak, J., Bełdowski, J., Kotwicki, L., 2020. Acute aquatic toxicity of sulfur mustard and its degradation products to Daphnia magna. Marine Environmental Research 161, 105077
- Vanninen, P., Östin, A., Bełdowski, J., Pedersen, E.A., Söderström, M., Szubska, M., Grabowski, M., Siedlewicz, G., Czub, M., Popiel, S., Nawała, J., Dziedzic, D., Jakacki, J., Pączek, B., 2020. Exposure status of sea-dumped chemical warfare agents in the Baltic Sea. Marine Environmental Research 161, 105112
- Bełdowski J., Brenner M., Lehtonen K., Contaminated by war: A brief history of sea-dumping of munitions. Marine Environmental Research,
- Paula Vanninen: Chemical warfare material dumped in sea: harmless or human/environmental threat. University of Helsinki, Chemistry department afternoon "coffee" served on Tuesday, June 16 at 13.00 (Web-hosted).
- Lastumäki, A.; Turja, R.; Brenner, M.; Vanninen, P.; Niemikoski, H.; Butrimavičienė, L.; Stankevičiūtė, M.; Lehtonen, K.: “Biological Effects of Dumped Chemical Weapons in the Baltic Sea: A Multi-Biomarker Study Using Caged Mussels at the Bornholm Main Dumping Site. Marine Environmental Research.” Accepted to Marine Environmental Research 2020.
- Niemikoski, Martin Soderstrom, Harri Kiljunen, Anders Östin, Paula Vanninen. “Identification of Novel Degradation Products of Sea-Dumped Chemical Warfare Agent-Related Phenylarsenic Chemicals in Marine Sediment.” Analytical Chemistry, ACS Publications, 2020.
- 17.7.2020 Video conference, information of politician Mr. Peter Stein (member of German Bundestag, reporter for dumped munition in the Baltic Sea and participant of Baltic Sea parliament). DAIMON represented by Ulrike Kammann, Thünen Institut
- 26.6.2020: Video conference, Federal/Länder Working group Northsea and Baltic Sea (BLANO) Expert commission "munition in the sea", 22th meeting, DAIMON represented by Ulrike Kammann, Thünen Institute.
- 11.06.2020. Online-Workshop: „Screening of chemical warefare agents and explosives in the Northsea and in the Baltic Sea“. Conference of German Ministers of Environment (UMK) and Federal/Länder Working group Northsea and Baltic Sea (BLANO) for improved handling of dumped munition. DAIMON represented by Ulrike Kammann & Katharina Straumer, Thünen Institute.
- Jacek Bełdowski presented the project progress in a keynote talk: Dumped munitions as a pressure factor for the Baltic Ecosystem, on 3rd Baltic Earth Conference, online programe, 1-5.06. 2020
- 20.05.2020: Telephone conference: „Screening of chemical warefare agents and explosives in the Northsea and in the Baltic Sea“. Conference of German Ministers of Environment (UMK) and Federal/Länder Working group Northsea and Baltic Sea (BLANO) for improved handling of dumped munition. DAIMON represented by Ulrike Kammann & Katharina Straumer, Thünen Institute.
- Michał Czub led a webinar about chemical munitions in the Baltic Sea, mentioning the objectives, strategy and outcomes of DAIMON and DAIMON2 projects. The webinar entitled "Broń chemiczna w Bałtyku" was streamed live for social media audience in cooperation with WWF Polska (05.06.2020).
- Zatopiona amunicja - groza w głębinach czy papierowy tygrys? popular science lecture by Jacek Bełdowski at the XVII Baltic summer science festival
- Frey, T., Bełdowski J., Maser, E. 2020 Explosive ordnance in the Baltic Sea: New Tools for decision makers. Journal of Conventional weapons destruction, 23.3, 44-48
- Michał Czub, Jakub Nawała, Stanisław Popiel, Daniel Dziedzic, Tomasz Brzeziński, Piotr Maszczyk, Hans Sanderson, Jacek Fabisiak, Jacek Bełdowski and Lech Kotwicki: Acute aquatic toxicity of sulfur mustard and its degradation products to Daphnia magna, Marine Environmental Research, in press
- Paula Vanninen, Anders Östin, Erik A. Pedersen, Martin Söderström, Marta Szubska, Miłosz Grabowski, Grzegorz Siedlewicz, Bartłomiej Pączek, Michal Czub, Stanislaw Popiel, Jakub Nawala, Daniel Driedzic, Jaromir Jakacki, Jacek Bełdowski, "Exposure Status of Sea-Dumped Chemical Warfare Agents in the Baltic Sea" Journal Marine Environmental Research
- Grzegorz Siedlewicz, Ewa Korejwo, Marta Szubska, Urszula Kwasigroch, Jacek Bełdowski, "Presence of methylmercury in Baltic Sea sediments, collected in ammunition dumpsite". Journal Marine Environmental Research
- Paula Vanninena, Anders Östin, Jacek Bełdowski, Erik A.Pedersend, Martin Söderström, Marta Szubska, Miłosz Grabowskic, Grzegorz Siedlewiczc, Michał Czubc, Stanisław Popiel, Jakub Nawał, Daniel Dziedzic, Jaromir Jakackic, Bartłomiej Pączek (Mar. Environ. Volume 161, October 2020) Exposure status of sea-dumped chemical warfare agents in the Baltic Sea
- Project perspectives on Baltic Sea Action Plan were presented by Jacek Bełdowski: Control the sources of historical contamination. 2020 HELCOM stakeholder conference 02-03.03.2020, Helsinki
- Hanna Niemikoski,* Martin Söderström, Harri Kiljunen, Anders Östin, and Paula Vanninen (Anal. Chem. 2020, 92, 4891−4899) Identification of Degradation Products of Sea-Dumped Chemical Warfare Agent-Related Phenylarsenic Chemicals in Marine Sediment
- Tørnes J Aa, Vik T, Kjellstrøm T T (2020) Leakage rate of the nerve agent tabun from sea-dumped munition, Marine Environmental Research, submitted
- A. Lastumäki (SYKE) invited to give a speech about the dumped munitions and their environmental risks at the meeting of the Finnish Delegation of the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference (BSPC) in February 2020 (Finnish Parliament, Helsinki).
- The DAIMON project was represented at Polish Senate Environmental commission by Jacek Bełdowski (25.02.2020)
- Kammann U.: Munition and marine fish – results of the research project DAIMON2. Expert meeting on "Diminish risks from contamination by explosives in the sea", State parliament Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schwerin, 23.1.2020
- 17.2.2020 Visit of Dr. Thomas vom Bruch (politician from CDU party, Bremen) and discussion of problems related to dumped munition. Thünen Institute Bremerhaven. DAIMON represented by Ulrike Kammann, Thünen Institute.
- Popular science lectures given by J. Bełdowski on DAIMON2 Project for Gdansk Technical University IT department students (Oct. 2019 in Gdynia), and for University of Gdańsk PhD Students (Jan. 2020).
- 15.1.2020, German Federal Ministry of Environment, Berlin, political information- 'Altmunition im Meer', DAIMON represented by Daniel Koske, Thünen-Institut
- Straumer, K., Munitions in the Sea: a ticking time bomb?, marine operating school, Bremerhaven, 10.01.2020
- Koske D, Straumer K, Goldenstein N I, Kammann U, Lang T (2020) First evidence of munitions compounds in fish caught near munitions dumpsite in the Baltic Sea, STOTEN, submitted
- Straumer K, Kraugerud, M., Feist, S.W., Ahvo, A., Lehtonen, K., Lastumäki, A., Ljønes, M., Tørnes, J Aa., Lang T. (2020) The use of Atlantic hagfish (Myxine glutinosa) as a bioindicator species for studies on effects of dumped chemical warfare agents in the Skagerrak. Liver histopathology, Marine Environmental Research, submitted
- Hanna Niemikoski, Daniel Koske, Ulrike Kammann, Thomas Lang ja Paula Vanninen. Studying the metabolism of toxic chemical warfare agent-related phenylarsenic chemicals in vitro in cod liver, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020 (accepted Jan 2020)
- Hanna Niemikoski, Itämereen upotettujen kemiallisten aseiden tutkimus VERIFIN:illä, Autumn meeting of Finnish microbiology society, Helsinki, 11.12.2019
- Niemikoski H, Koske D, Kammann U, Lang T, Vanninen P (2019) Identification of novel metabolites of chemical warfare agent related phenylarsenic chemicals formed in vitro in cod liver. Journal of Hazardous Materials, in press
- Koske, D., Goldenstein, N. I., & Kammann, U. (2019). Nitroaromatic compounds damage the DNA of zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio). Aquatic Toxicology, 217:105345.
- Koske D, Goldenstein N, Rosenberger T, Machulik U, Hanel R, Kammann U (2019) Dumped munition: New insights into the metabolization of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene in Baltic flatfish, Marine Environmental Research, submitted
- Koske D, Straumer K, Kammann U, Lang T, DAIMON2 Projekt – Überblick über das Forschungsprojekt im Rahmen der Veranstaltung „Europa in meiner Stadt“, TI Bremerhaven, 28.11.19
- Information on the European project DAIMON2 for pupils from a Bremerhaven school, “Europe in my city”, 28.11.19 Thünen Institute, Bremerhaven. (Lang, Kammann, Koske, Straumer)
- Lang et al.,: Munition and marine fish. Researching environmental impact of dumped munitions, Expert meeting invited by German ministry of environment in Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, Hamburg, 8.11.19
- J. Bełdowski - "DAIMON2 – way forward" at 43th NATO AVT Business meeting 7-10.2019
- Niemikoski H., Roen B-T., Vanninen P., findings from Hagfish, manuscript status: expected submission by the end of October 2019
- J. Bełdowski., M. Szubska, G. Siedlewicz, E. Korejwo, J. Jakacki, M. Czub, L. Kotwicki, M. Grabowski, M. Bełdowska, P. Vanninen, M. Brenner, T. Lang, K. Lehtonen, S. Popiel, B. Pączek „ Sea-dumped ammunition in Baltic Sea– state of the art”, Second Science Conference of Polish Marine Researchers, Gdynia, Poland 24-25.09.2019 (in Polish)
- J. Bełdowski "Ammunition dumped into the Baltic Sea - present knowledge state" invited lecture Second Science Conference of Polish Marine Researchers, Gdynia, Poland, 24-25.09.2019 (in Polish)
- G.Siedlewicz, M. Szubska, E. Korejwo, J. Bełdowski „Concentration of methylmercury in sediments from munition dumpsite in Bornholm Deep” Second Science Conference of Polish Marine Researchers, Gdynia, Poland, 24-25.09.2019 (in Polish)
- G. Siedlewicz, M. Szubska, E. Korejwo, J. Bełdowski “Presence Of Methylmercury In Baltic Sea Sediments Collected In Ammunition Dumpsite” 14th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Kraków, Poland, 8-13.09.2019
- Niemikoski H., Straumer K., Ahvo A., Turja R., Lehtonen K., Lang T., Vanninen P., Tissue concentrations of chemical warfare agents and multi-biomarker responses in cod (Gadus morhua) from munition dumpsites in the Baltic Sea, manuscript status: on preparation, expected submission by the end of September 2019
- Niemikoski H., Lehtonen K., Ahvo A., Heiskanen I., Vanninen P., Metabolism, accumulation and toxicity of an oxidation product and metabolite of the chemical warfare agent Clark I/II determined using the rainbow trout liver cell line RTL-W1, manuscript status: expected submission by the end of September 2019
- Michał Czub, Jakub Nawała, Stanisław Popiel, Tomasz Brzeziński, Piotr Maszczyk, Hans Sanderson, Edmund Maser, Diana Gordon, Daniel Dziedzic, Barbara Dawidziuk, Joanna Pijanowska, Jacek Fabisiak, Marta Szubska, Thomas Lang, Paula Vanninen, Hanna Niemikoski, Tine Missiaen, Kari K. Lehtonen, Jacek Bełdowski and Lech Kotwicki. Ecological significance of sea-dumped chemical munitions: acute aquatic toxicity of arsenic-based chemical warfare agents (submitted, 08/2019)
- Hanna Niemikoski, High Resolution Mass Spectrometry in Identification of Novel Chemical Warfare Agent related Phenylarsenic Chemicals, 17th Nordic Mass Spectrometry Conference, Espoo, 26.8.2019
- Technical and legal aspects related to the utilization of chemical weapons dumped in the Baltic Sea [in:] Modern problems of management and security, UTH, Warsaw, 2019, 203-218 (in Polish)
- Niemikoski H., Koske D., Vanninen P., Hanel R., Identification of novel metabolites of chemical warfare agent related phenylarsenic chemicals formed in vitro in cod liver, manuscript status: ready for submission
- Niemikoski H., Södeström M., Kiljunen H., Heikkinen H., Vanninen P., High Resolution Mass Spectrometry in Identification of Novel Chemical Warfare Agent-related Phenylarsenic Chemicals in sediment samples collected from munition dumpsites, manuscript status: on preparation, submitted by the end of July 2019
- Hanna Niemikoski, Tissue concentration of Chemical Warfare Agents and Multi-Biomarker Responses in Cod (Gadus morhua) from Munition Dumpsites in the Baltic Sea, SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting, Helsinki, 29.5.2019
- Niemikoski H., Lehtonen K., Ahvo A., Heiskanen I., Vanninen P., Toxicity of an oxidation product and a metabolite of the chemical warfare agent Clark I/II determined using the rainbow trout liver cell line RTL-W1, SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting, Helsinki, 29.5.2019
- Vanninen P., Lignell H., Overview of the results of the monitoring campaigns for analysis of Baltic Sea sediment samples for sea-dumped chemical warfare agents, SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting, Helsinki, 29.5.2019
- Goldenstein N, Koske D, Straumer K, Lang T, Kammann U, Dumped munitions in the Baltic Sea - Detection and effects of explosives in fish , Seestadtfest (City fair) Bremerhaven, 26.05.2019
- Hanna Niemikoski, Itämereen upotetut kemialliset aseet, presentation for high school students, Department of Chemistry, Helsinki, 9.5.2019
- 2019-03-06 - Deutscher Bundestag Drucksache 19/8070 - Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage zu Umweltauswirkungen versenkter Munition in der Ostsee (19/7684) - official answer to the interpellation to the German government about dumped munitions in the Baltic Sea, 06.03.2019 (German)
- Pro Gradu Master thesis: Andrea Pruccoli "Passive Sampling of Chemical Warfare Agents in the Marine Environment"
- Les armes chimiques sous les mers - report by Guerrero, É. written in cooperation with DAIMON partners,which won bronze price at the 2018 Canadian Science Fair (French)
- An Evaluation and Implementation of the Regional Coupled Ice-Ocean Model of the Baltic Sea by Jaromir Jakacki and Sebastian Meler - Ocean Dynamics
- Ecological safety of the Baltic Sea in the aspects of corrosive reprocessing of containers with toxic warfare agents was published in Journal of KONBiN, no. 45 (2018), pp.29-47.
- Proceedings with chemical warfare agents dumped in the Baltic Sea in case of contact – legal aspects on the example of Poland by Edyta Łońska - International Scientific Publications, Ecology & Safety, Volume 12, 2018
- Chemical weapons dumped in the Polish Sea Areas – technical possibilities of its remediation and legal restrictions by Jacek Fabisiak - International Scientific Publications, Ecology & Safety, Volume 12, 2018
- Development of analytical methods used for the study of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene degradation kinetics in simulated sediment samples from the Baltic Sea by D. Gordon, J. Nawała, M. Szala, D. Dziedzic, B. Dawidziuk, S. Popiel - Marine Pollution Bulletin, 135 (2018) 397-410
- Applications of ionic liquids in analytical chemistry with a particular emphasis on their use in solid-phase microextraction by J. Nawała, B. Dawidziuk, D. dziedzic, D. Gordon, S. Popiel - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 105 (2018) 18-36
- Polish version of the project website
- Jakacki J., Meler S. (2018) An evaluation and implementation of the regional coupled ice-ocean model of the Baltic Sea; Ocean dynamics vol.69, pp:1-19
- Sea-dumped ammunition as a possible source of mercury to the Baltic Sea sediments by J. Bełdowski, M. Szubska, G. Siedlewicz, E. Korejwo, M. Grabowski, M. Bełdowska, U. Kwasigroch, J. Fabisiak, E. Łońska, M. Szala, J. Pempkowiak was approved for publishing in a journal Science of the Total Environment
- B. Dawidziuk, J. Nawała, D. Dziedzic, D. Gordon, S. Popiel, Development, validation and comparison of three methods of sample preparation used for identification and quantification of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene and products of its degradation in sediments by GC-MS/MS, Analytical Methods, 10 (2018) 5188-5196
- Study on the Kinetics and Transformation Products of Sulfur Mustard Sulfoxide and Sulfur Mustard Sulfone in Various Reaction Media - article by MUT/WAT, S. Popiel, J. Nawała, D. Dziedzic, D. Gordon, B. Dawidziuk in International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 50 (2018) 75-89.
- Uptake and effects of 2, 4, 6 - trinitrotoluene (TNT) in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) - article published by Espen Mariussen (FFI) et al., Journal of Aquatic Toxicology 194 (2018) 176-184: abstract and full version (restricted area)
- Munitions In The Sea: Time For Global Action - article by Sandro Carniel, Jacek Bełdowski and A. Cumming in Sea Technology Magazine, January 2017
- Sustainable management of oil polluting wrecks and chemical munitions dump sites - paper presented at the EGU Meeting in Vienna on 27.04.2017 by Anders Tengberg et al.
- Detection of Chemical Warfare Agent-Related Phenylarsenic Compounds in Marine Biota Samples by LC-HESI/MS/MS - article published by Hanna Niemikoski et al. of VERIFIN in Analytical Chemistry journal 2017, 89: abstract and full version (restricted access)
- Merenpohjan kemialliset aseet - presentation given by Kari Lehtonen (SYKE) at the open meeting of the Environment Committee of the Finnish Parliament about environmental threats in the Gulf of Finland, 07.11.2017 (see a video, minute 00:50, abstract and slides (Finnish)
- Side event at the OPCW 22st session of the Conference of the States, 29.11.2017, Lithuanian Embassy, Hague. Presentation by Galina Garnaga-Budrė about Sea dumped chemical munitions, the Lithuanian experience
- Corrosion of Ammunition Dumped in the Baltic Sea - article by Wojciech Jurczak and Jacek Fabisiak (PNA), Journal of KONBiN, 41 (2017)
- Risk Assessment of Sea Dumped Conventional Munitions - article by Øyvind A. Voie and Espen Mariussen of FFI, Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. 2017, 42, 98 – 105
- Wadden Sea Quality Status Report - report by M. Brenner, A. Bostelmann and S. Klöpper, Wadden Sea World Heritage: 2017-12-21
- Opracowanie metody SPME do oznaczania trójfenyloarsyny w osadach dennych Morza Bałtyckiego - article by MUT/WAT, D. Dziedzic, J. Nawała, S. Popiel, J. Choma in Ochrona Środowiska journal, 2017, Vol. 39 (No.4) pp. 9-17.
- Corrosion of ammunition dumped in the Baltic Sea - Journal of Air Force Institute of Technology 41(2017) (English/Polish)
- Detection of Chemical Warfare Agent-Related Phenylarsenic Compounds in Marine Biota Samples by LC-HESI/MSMS - article by Niemikoski H., Söderström M., Vanninen P., Anal. Chem., 89 (2017) 11129–11134
- Odpowiedź na interpelację nr 4053 w sprawie broni chemicznej zalegającej w Bałtyku - official answer to the interpellation to the Polish Sejm about dumped munitions in the Baltic Sea, 07.07.2016 (Polish)
- The impact of military activities on the concentration of mercury in soils of military training grounds and marine sediments - article in Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2016):1-11. DOI 10.1007/s11356-016-7436-0
- Zastosowanie polidicyjanopropylosiloksanu w czujnikach z akustyczną falą powierzchniową do detekcji fosforoorganicznych środków trujących w powietrzu / Application of Poly(bis-cyanopropylsiloxane) in Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors to Organophosphorus Chemical Warfare Agent Detection by M. Grabka, K. Jasek, J. Choma - Ochrona Środowiska, 2018, 40, Nr 2, 09.2016 (Polish)
- Past and present military and dumping activities in the German Wadden Sea area - chapter in the Wadden Sea Quality Status Report